Just a little about our animals, family and what we do.



Happy New Year to all

The great news here is that we had three eggs today from the chicks we hatched last year - lovely dark brown eggs. It's like the kids have come of age. They have grown into a set of real characters.

First and foremost is Jeffrey, our most lovely and friendly cockerel. He is by far the biggest of the bunch, but still likes to stand on your outstretched arm for a cuddle. I have never heard a cockerel growl before, but he does this all the time. When he is let out in the morning he can't wait to prance about around your feet and brings presents of sticks and leaves.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Helen here.
Our Welsummer has just begun laying last week -hurrah! An egg every other day (too posh for a daily lay - tee hee!) WOW what a colour of egg they are! The most lovely terracotta - yesterday's egg was speckled terracotta!
Can't wait to see your growing flock, especially jeffrey and stumpy - we are down the van this weekend (8th March)so will try and pop in! Hx